Thursday, February 26, 2015

It's Time To Begin Training

It's Time To Begin Training!

Psalm 22:9-10

9Yet You are He who brought me forth from the womb;
You made me trust when upon my mother's breasts.
10Upon You I was cast from birth;
You have been my God from my mother's womb.

Have you been trained to trust the Lord?  In this passage, we read that all of David’s life he had been trained to trust the Lord.  I never really thought about it like that, have you?  When we are growing up it is our parents responsibility to train us in the way we should go.  There is a book that I still need to finish reading called , To Train Up a Child.  I began this book when my kids were 2, so if you know me and them, then you know I have not finished this book in 6 years, HA!  Well, after reading this passage today, I am curious as to what this book has to say based on its’ title.  

What does it really take when you are training for something?  Well, I think we should first learn what the word train means.  I am not talking about the little engine that could train but the verb, train.  Here are a few meanings that will help us understand a little more where I am going with this today.  

1. (tr) to guide or teach (to do something), as by subjecting to various exercises or experiences: to train a man to fight.
2. (tr) to control or guide towards a specific goal: to train a plant up a wall.
3. (intr) to do exercises and prepare for a specific purpose: the athlete trained for the Olympics.
4. (tr) to improve or curb by subjecting to discipline: to train the mind.
5. (tr) to focus or bring to bear (on something): to train a telescope on the moon.

So when we are training for something, whether it be a race, a particular type of competition or just life, then we need to be taught what to do or how to do it properly.  If we are taught incorrectly then we not only have wasted our time but could get hurt in the process.  When we are training our children during the different phases of life, we must take the time to train them properly.  What this looks like for each family is different.  This is also where the chaos of life comes into play as well because we all do not see things the same way or see things or guidelines with the same importance as others.  

I remember a very pivotal moment in my life as a mom.  Josh was deployed when my twins were 2 years of age.  I know what a great time to be gone….for him!  This was the beginning of potty training, possibly the start of terrible two’s and lots of other things.  Luckily my children had the terrible three’s not the terrible two’s.  God was looking out for me, HA.  We would Skype with Josh a few times a week and my husband always could tell when I was at my lowest point.  I am very transparent, probably to a flaw but transparent nonetheless.  He would ask me what was wrong and I would tell him, “I can’t do this!  I can’t raise them, try to sell our house, try to keep the house clean and be a realtor.  I just can’t do this!”  He then asked me what the kids were doing and how many times I was letting them get away with things.  WHAT!  You think I am letting them get away with things, NOT ME.  HAHAHA.  My husband knew me all too well.  I was like a single parent trying to do it all and I was giving into my children just to get a break.  We all have been guilty of this at some point in our life but it does not do our children any favors when we do this.  

It is my role as their parent to guide them and teach them.  God chose me to be their mom and I must do the right thing.  As a christian mom, I must teach them right from wrong; about the Lord; how to read the bible; about the fruit of the Spirit and so many other things.  I must train them in the way they should go.  I must help them put on their armor of God everyday so that they are ready for what the world may throw at them.  I must take myself and my feelings out of the equation, at times, in order for them to see this.  I must also lead by example, which I am not the best at sometimes.  When you hear your children speak then you know if you are teaching them in the right way or the wrong way.  What a blow to the head!  I saw this more when they were toddlers.  Thank goodness I am growing and changing everyday.  So I challenge all you moms and dads today, to continue training your child down the godly path or if you have not begun (by the way it is NEVER too late, I don’t care what anyone says) then you can begin today to not only train your child but yourself as well.  Don’t put a limit on what God can do through you and your dedication to train up your child.

What if you are not a mom or a dad?  I challenge you to surround yourself with godly people who will not only hold you accountable but also take the time to mentor you in the way you should go.  We should desire to sit at the feet of our godly elders to learn from them.  This is scriptural!  Continue to train yourself in the Lord or begin your training today!    

Prayer: Father, Thank You for the words of David teaching me to train up my children and myself to trust You.  Show me today, where I need help.  Show me in Your word things I need to work on in my own life.  Help me to help others today.  In Jesus Name I pray, Amen. 

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