Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Are You A Good Person?

Are you a good person?  I think we would all like to think that we are genuinely good.  You may have those days where that good side does not always show but overall you are genuinely a good person.  But…. 

Let us take a look at the very beginning.  All the way back to creation.  We see that when God created light, He saw that it was GOOD.  When He created the sea and sky, He saw that it was GOOD.  When God created the land and vegetation, He saw that it was GOOD.  When God created the stars in the sky, the moon and the sun, He saw that it was GOOD.  When God created the living creatures in the water and the sky, He saw that it was GOOD.  When God created the living creatures on the land, He saw that it was GOOD.  But…when “God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them…”  “God saw all that He had made , and it was VERY GOOD!  

Do you see my point?  We weren’t just good in the eyes of the Lord, we were considered VERY GOOD.  But where did we stray?  Sin enter the garden and our lives were forever changed.   We made the wrong choice.  That does not mean that we can’t still be good.  Goodness is defined by “the quality or state of being good.”  Goodness is a character trait that each of us should have if we are person of integrity, righteousness, one having virtue and morals.  These are all synonyms of the word and should be a part of our lives if we are to be called followers of Christ. 

Goodness is the sixth fruit out of nine that Paul writes about so it is getting little harder to display each fruit of the Spirit as we get further into the verse.  It is so much easier to show love or joy but when you get to the end of the characteristics is where it gets more challenging.  If we focus too much on the things around us, we lose sight of God.  We become wrapped up in our own little bubble that we don’t want anyone to get to close in anticipation of our bubble being burst.  When we do this we are not being what God created us to be.  We were created to be relational, not just with God but with others around us.  God is good and he longs to pour out His goodness to his children.  There are many references to this in scripture.  Take the time today to read more about His goodness.  

We are all a work in progress and should continue to strive for being more like Christ each and everyday.  When others are able to see the fruit of the Spirit in us then it becomes more evident of our salvation.  They begin to see that we have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.  

Prayer: Father, when you first created man, you said it was very good.  Because of sin we were torn away from that perfect relationship with You.  Change me from the inside out so others may see your goodness pour forth.  Change me so that I may be one step closer to having that right relationship with you.  I know that we won’t fully be in right relationship with you until we get to heaven but until then continue to do a work in me.  In Jesus Name I pray, Amen.  

Ephesians 5:22; Genesis 1:1-31

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